August 21, 2003

A Tuesday Interview on Thursday

I have been a fan of This Girl Thinks since I started with this blogging stuff, and now I get to answer her interview questions.

1. Why did I think you lived in California?

A: I know I told Joel at Pax Nortona that I'd help build his cabin in Mexico in a comment. You are on Joel's server; so, maybe you read that. Other than that, I don't know because I have never even been to California.

2. What is the greatest myth mainstream television projects about drug addiction?

Television gives people the idea that drug addicts have a certain appearance, that they talk a certain way, and that they can be picked out of a crowd. Not true. Drug addiction cuts across class, racial, and ethnic lines. And almost all addicts take showers and go to work.

3. What is a huge fact about addiction that everyone should know but the media never mentions?

Many of the media personalities we see and hear and read are addicts.

4. Even though we've been given the all clear to drink water out of the tap again, do you have a hard time doing so because 1) It's tastes like crap compared to bottled water, and/or 2) Ew, raw sewage?!

I have not had water out of the tap or from a drinking fountain yet. One of the guys I play golf with is the head of municipal utilities. He swears the water is the same as it was before the power failure, but that raw sewage thing really bothers me a lot.

5. If you could make one famous lawyer burst into flames and disintegrate before our very eyes, who would you choose and why?

Kenneth Starr. He's arrogant and exceeded the scope of the authority he was granted with impunity and without regard for the law. Then he whined about it.

1 -- Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 -- I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 -- You'll update your website with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 -- You'll include this explanation.
5 -- You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

Posted by Bill at August 21, 2003 10:50 PM

Interesting answers, especially #3. I wasn't expecting that one, thought I'm not really surprised. But now I can't get the image of Cokie Roberts, Connie Chong, and Barbara Walters all sitting around snorting blow. Scary.

Posted by: Tuesday at August 22, 2003 12:28 PM