high-speed lane: this term has various meanings. it is usually synonomous with "passing lane." in ohio, it means "the far-left lane, just another lane to drive in, whether you are traveling at a higher rate of speed or even passing." in indiana, it means "really, really high-speed lane, AND you better fucking get out of the way if you are NOT going really, really fast, AND passing somebody."
i LOVE sitting in the passenger seat in indiana while bill drives REALLY, REALLY FUCKING FAST and passes everything on the road, but i do NOT want to drive in indiana. so that means i'm the kind of driver that drives NOT in the highspeed/passing lane in ohio. i don't drive fast, but i'm not STUPID.
hazing: annoying, arrogant, ridiculous, embarassing, crappy, and downright stupid sometimes. DOES NOT MEAN RAPE. DOES NOT MEAN ASSAULT. wtf is wrong with you dumb-ass media types calling it hazing?! stop it! NOW! i can understand that dumb-ass enabling "parents" want it called "hazing," but THEY ARE WRONG! AND STUPID!
Posted by Stacey at October 6, 2003 12:35 PMYou tell 'em Stacey!
P.S. I'm very much an Indiana driver. You should see my little car whip around those country roads!
I would not like to drive in America - you drive on the wrong side of the road *lol*.
Posted by: Michelle at October 6, 2003 03:35 PMI want, errrr need, my own driving lane.
I feel as if I have earned it.
No accidents or moving violations in 5 years and all...
I'm a plodder myself
Posted by: Anji at October 7, 2003 01:34 AMI've become, out of necessity, an aggressive driver. I put a LOT of miles on our cars. But I do all of the driving in the family and have to get us a lot of places in a little bit-o-time usually. And one of these days, I'm going to buy my husband one of those little blindfolds to wear when he is sitting in the passenger seat because he does NOT love sitting in the passenger seat when I am driving REALLY FUCKING FAST and passing everything on the road! :) It drives me crazy!
Posted by: crazy girl at October 7, 2003 02:40 PM