November 03, 2003

Hey Man, Give Me a Receipt!

We weren't at home Thursday night, which was when Halloween was supposed to be in our community because of the high school football game on Friday night. I'll have you know that I was ready, though, on Friday for any trick-or-treaters that might show up. I had my 12-ounce bags of Brach's candy corn that I picked up for 88 cents Friday afternoon. Halloween shopping at the last minute is nothing like Christmas shopping at the last minute; so, I didn't have any problem at all.

And I picked up one of those little receipt books, the one with the NCR paper so you have a copy of the receipt you give out or you get. I was going to use it as a joke and show our friend, er ... friends, that we really were home and really gave out candy on the real Halloween.

Nobody came, not even any 20-year-olds. And you're laughing about the receipt idea. Well, don't be. Next year, get receipts from all the little buggers to avoid having an irate father come to your door, trash your landscaping, and throw pumpkins at your door and through your window, who claim you never gave candy to his little munchkin.

Better yet, next Halloween, give away your bottles of Syrup of Ipecac since the American Academy of Pediatrics says the drug doesn't work for everyone, may be improperly administered by parents, or could be abused by people with eating disorders.

Plus the stuff tastes like hell. I tried it once. Nasty stuff. Threw up.

Posted by Bill at November 3, 2003 12:05 PM

Where does the father link take me? It went to a sign in sheet for me.

I fixed it for you, -d.

Posted by: -d at November 3, 2003 12:50 PM

Browse around Reuters - you may find a concoction which you yourself can make to feed to the little devils.

Posted by: Michelle at November 3, 2003 01:45 PM

haha, damn it, this is why i hate reading your blog. i can see both of your faces. lusting after people laughing their asses off.

another question i have regarding your news links. you either
a.) read every news article in the world EVERYDAY or
b.) just search for randomness and plop that link in there somewhere.

knowing both of you all too well, i'm inclined to lean toward the former :-/ fucking scary, people, fucking scary -- but i'm in!

now i only wish i went trick-or-treating (with receipts) on halloween for candy instead of bullshit canned goods for some homeless people :-/

Posted by: mark at November 3, 2003 02:27 PM