November 14, 2003

Michael Feinstein Concert Review

Before getting to the Michael Feinstein concert, I was listening to the NPR outlet in Cleveland, WCPN, 90.3 FM, and Michael Boland (sp?), recovering addict and Addiction Risk Manager at Stella Maris Treatment Center, Cleveland, Ohio, in an interview said: If it wasn't for the A.A. community, I'd be dead today.

This is the second time I heard such a statement this week, the first time was when our 18-year-old son said it, standing in our kitchen/family room. Thank you, friends of Bill W.

The tickets came in the mail yesterday for the evening concert by Michael Feinstein. When I opened the envelope, I saw that we were spending "An Evening With Michael Feinstein and Jimmy Webb," and I got real excited because I wanted to see and hear Michael Feinstein's interpretation of a couple of Jimmy's standards.

We got to the hall, the same place we saw Tom Hanks in Godspell when my cranial landscape was lush with overgrowth, just before show time; and it was then that I thought that something was awry. Two Baldwin grand pianos were on stage. No guitars. No guitar stands.

I recalled the Clapton concert that Dr. Cyborg, J-dogg, and I took in a few years ago, at which we knew E.C. would be playing only the blues. At intermission, a guy, standing before a urinal in the men's room, asked no one in particular, "You'd think that maybe he could hum a few bars of Layla?" I pushed the thought out of my mind. Guitars are portable, pianos are not.

The two performers hit the stage to polite applause, Michael wearing a black tux, white shirt, and black tie, and Jimmy in some nasty-looking dark brown suit, dark brown shirt, and dark brown tie. And Jimmy's hair was shorter than I remembered and was straightened and colored to match his suit, and he totally looked like hell.

Michael Feinstein started into his first tune that I had heard before but can't name, and he sounded like you know he would sound, but the song wasn't Gershwin or Cole Porter or Rogers and Hart. Whatever. The guy has a great voice, you know, not like Robert Plant, but really, really good. When he was through with the first song and after he thanked us all for being there and all that stuff, he leaned on the piano and said, "Jimmy, why don't you sing one of your classics?"

And Jimmy -- you know, I'm thinking, like here we go, now you're talkin' -- he starts fiddling with the ivory, no guitar, and he starts singing, "By the time I get to Phoe-nix ... she'll be ri-sin'" And I'm thinking, "Doggone it, this isn't Stairway to Heaven!"

Then I realized and said to myself because, at this point, I couldn't possibly say anything out loud, "This isn't the Led Zeppelin guy; this is the Wichita Lineman guy."

Fuckin' idiot I am.

Posted by Bill at November 14, 2003 11:22 AM

so many thoughts here, so little time and space.

1) you don't remember jimmy paige's name???? where have you been the last couple of years??? jackson has a paige tattoo, for the love of god!

2) the cranial landscape was NEVER lush with hair. at least since i've known you (just before you turned 17). you had the thinnest hair i've ever seen. oh yeah, you had hair, and it got pretty long there for a while, but lush? i think not.

3) when i saw webb's name on the tickets, i suggested we didn't go. i guessed at that point that the concert would not be what we expected. but you said, nooooo, let's go. i thought you were nuts then. i think you're nuts now. not "clinically," of course. not anymore.

4)"and he totally looked like hell." i LOVE it when you talk like a valley girl. makes me hot. of course, it could be the hot flashes.

Posted by: stacey at November 14, 2003 11:55 AM

Does it help that I don't know who ANY of these people are with the EXCEPTION of Eric, well and J-Dogg of course.


Posted by: -d at November 14, 2003 01:37 PM

no. but come onnnnn. you know led zeppelin, doncha?

Posted by: stacey at November 14, 2003 01:49 PM

Jimmy Webb, Jimmy Paige -- It's easy to confuse them since they are linked forever in the phrase "web page."

Posted by: Billy at November 15, 2003 08:42 AM

Shame that it was a let down and maybe if you write to Michael Feinstein personally he will send you tickets to his next "real" concert.

Posted by: Michelle at November 15, 2003 09:29 AM

I don't claim to be a led zep expert but, um, isn't it jimmy page? jack? matt? a lil' help here?

Posted by: melly mel at November 15, 2003 09:42 AM

To step further into the stupid relm... I know Led Zep... but how is that linked here?

Posted by: d at November 15, 2003 11:45 AM

MEL AND D: how could you miss my witty and erudite comment? of COURSE, you're right, mel -- it IS jimmy page! -d: jimmy page = guitar player/creative leader of l.z.

Posted by: stacey at November 15, 2003 01:14 PM