December 21, 2003

Pecan Pralines

We made some pecan pralines today. I had forgotten just how long it takes to make them, standing over the stove, stirring the sugary mixture over medium heat until it reaches 240 degrees F, the soft ball stage. I must have been standing and stirring a good 17 hours.

The actual goal was to make pecan praline cheesecakes. We made two of them, one six-inch and one nine-inch. They look good.

But this is not about the cheesecakes, this is about the two dozen pecan pralines, which were a secondary benefit of making the cheesecakes, that we left on the counter when we went up to Starbucks about an hour ago.

Dogs love pecan pralines.

Posted by Bill at December 21, 2003 11:03 PM

Note to self: do not take a swig of Dew and read that last sentence again! Ouch it burns!

Posted by: Jeff A at December 21, 2003 11:45 PM

Hot chocolate up the nose hurts! I was not expecting that last line!

Posted by: TW at December 22, 2003 09:05 AM

NOOOoooo... BAD DOGS! mmm ... pralines.

oh, how do you know when its at the "soft ball" stage anyway? and is that overhand or underhand pitch? ba-dum-dum. thank you thank you, i'm here all week.

Posted by: tj at December 22, 2003 09:48 AM

Could Stacey please comment on the sound effects when said pecan pralines were discovered in the tums of the dogs?

Posted by: Michelle at December 22, 2003 02:52 PM

oh my god! i am so glad i hadn't just put anything my mouth when I read that last loin. i mean line. holy shite.

Oh you guys.

Posted by: Crazy Girl/Keri at December 22, 2003 03:20 PM

I woulda arm wrestled the dogs for 'em...

Posted by: Jody at December 22, 2003 08:37 PM

Does this mean you are making chocolate chip cheesecake instead???????

Posted by: Kathy Howe at December 23, 2003 11:37 AM

I'm with Michelle, I'm interested in the sound effects also.

Posted by: kathy at December 23, 2003 01:31 PM

ok, i DREAMT about pralines last night....

Posted by: jenB at December 23, 2003 03:43 PM