January 11, 2004

One Free Murder

It's past time to weigh in on this issue. The Ohio governor has already signed the bill that permits all good citizens to carry concealed weapons; and in less than 90 days, you're going to have to watch to whom you give the finger and tell to fuck off. I doubt that the application process will weed out those who think the one-free-murder law was also passed.

What is the one-free-murder law you ask? It seems that there is a tiny group of individuals who believe that everyone should be entitled to kill one person, and only one, without any recourse by the government. This group believes that this law will, in fact, quell the rise of violence in America because exercising this non-transferrable right would open the killer up to retribution; therefore, it is not often that anyone would exercise the right. I haven't fully analyzed the complexities and inanities of the group's position, but I am worried that the "concealed-carry" law in Ohio will bring out the closet crazies of the world.

Who out there will be carrying a piece?

By the way, I thought I'd point out to Bush supporters everywhere that, back in November, U.S. casualties in Iraq surpassed the number of Americans killed in the first three years of the Vietnam War, according to Reuters' analysis of Pentagon statistics; and since Saddam Hussein was captured, 27 Americans have died in Iraq.

Posted by Bill at January 11, 2004 11:50 AM

OMG that is scary.

Posted by: Michelle at January 11, 2004 01:39 PM

That is just insane!! These types of groups realy scare me. But if we did have 1 free murder I could easily narrow down my list. Can you imagine people sitting around making lists and then it comes down to a coin toss because you couldn't decide between the top two. I'm laughing my butt off at that image. But seriously, what a group of wackos.

Posted by: kb at January 11, 2004 01:46 PM

what a crack-up, bill. the joke fell flat.

blog people: the "tiny group of individuals who believe..." is bill and my boys. obviously, this is an on-going joke in our family. it will come up once in a while, i.e. somebody will say, "this might be a good time to use my pass..."

i wasn't sure when i first read it either, so you can't be blamed for not knowing this. in fact, i said to bill: "there's really a group of people who believes this?" and he said, "yeah -- us."

Posted by: stacey at January 11, 2004 04:01 PM

On that last paragraph... NO SHIT??? Not that I AM a BSer. Because I'm not. But I'm glad you keep on putting these statistics together for us, Bill. Keep blowing my mind. Keep reminding us.

I'll take that One-Free-Murder law. :) just kiddin' of course. I've got it narrowed down to one already. ;)

Posted by: Keri at January 11, 2004 09:39 PM

Oh the thought process that it would take to decide WHO that one free person was gonna me!


Posted by: d at January 11, 2004 10:36 PM

Bill, do you know if the statistics include the injured who are sent home to die?

Posted by: Anji at January 12, 2004 02:24 AM