January 30, 2004

Demolition Derby and Nerf Footballs

The idea behind Nerf footballs was that they were light and airy, easy to throw for little kids, and easy to catch without fear of getting a broken nose if there was a slight miscalculation. Who was the brilliant engineer who thought to put a note pad mounted on a piece of hard plastic in the damn football? Did somebody think that the purpose of having a soft football was so nobody would get hurt if he or she were hit in the face?. And what happens when you put something hard with corners inside something soft and hit someone in the face with it -- any little kid (not me ... honest; it was Rudy) knows what a rock inside a snowball does to a bus window ... you end up running like hell.

Well, apparently, too many kids' faces were on the receiving end of the football and got bloodied. The footballs were recalled. Damn, instead of mapping out plays inside the football on the pad mounted on a hard rectangular plastic piece with a pointy pencil or pen, kids will have to draw the play in the dirt.

Talking about smashing things, I picked up a 91 Chevy Cavalier, which was in great condition, that I was going to tool around in for a few months. This was a few months ago, but I never drove it. It was liberated by the J-Dogg (whose entry in Blog Madness 2003 you can read and vote for (#12), if you deem it worthy), who has the Hawaiian hula girl on the dash and fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror with after-market CD player and nice speakers (I climbed in the trunk to mount them under the back deck.).

It's a "beater," but it was in great condition. I say "was" because it seems that while drivers respect the integrity of a Lexus or Mercedes, they have no regard for a 91 Cavalier.

Just because it's a 91 model or a Chevy Cavalier and not a BMW doesn't mean it's there in the parking lot to be sacrificed in the interest of testing bumpers of SUVs. By the way, just because it’s a 91 Cavalier doesn’t mean that you can back into the front end smashing the plastic thingy and denting the hood and drive away without leaving your name and number, asshole.

Posted by Bill at January 30, 2004 09:50 PM

I 'd like to bet that they use handicapped parking spaces too

Posted by: Anji at January 31, 2004 01:22 AM

My car is a beater and I have alot of trouble with that. I have had people hit my car at the bank and while shopping and not say a word. One of them left some black paint on my car and when they realized they ahd git me they moved a couple rows over, I saw the paint found their vehicle and called the police. Boy were they surprised when they came out of the store!

Posted by: Jeff A at January 31, 2004 01:29 AM