March 20, 2004

Pizza and the Cultural Revolution in Iraq

It's Saturday. First of all, Atkins Dieters, you have no idea what you are missing at Vera's Bakery at the West Side Market in Cleveland. Secondly, on the weekend update, instaed of going to Heck's Cafe for burgers, I made roast beef sandwiches like no others.

What is happening over in Iraq? Things seem to be getting worse with each passing day. Yet, the grossly absurd imposition of western culture upon this country must and will go on, announced the general in charge over there, human lives be damned.

Has anyone heard of AECOM Technology? I went to the website for this company. You can just count me among the stupid because I can't for the life of me figure out what this company does.

Serving all levels of government, we provide support for facilities ranging from military bases to local schools. Our single-source, integrated project delivery makes us a provider of choice for technical and industrial facilities. Developers of office buildings, hotels, theme parks and other commercial facilities value our integrated design and construction management services together with interior design expertise.

Oh, I understand ... government contracts ... that explains the doublespeak and obfuscation.

AECOM Technology received what was the first of, I'm sure, its many contracts to help re-build Iraq. The contract is for a paltry sum ... you know, start small ... of $21.6 million, which is a contract and amount that is easily overlooked as the Halliburton controversy rages.

AECOM Technology is heir apparent to Halliburton. George the Lesser requires a patsy, a patsy to take the American public's mind off the 570 dead U.S. soldiers in Iraq and countless more in the bleak future ahead, and what better patsy than Dick Cheney's criminal enterprise, Halliburton.

And who is AECOM? Back in January, AECOM hired former U.S. Department of Transportation Deputy Secretary Michael P. Jackson, who ran the DOT in 2002 when the actual Secretary, Norman Mineta, had back problems. Jackson became a fave of George the Lesser when Jackson was instrumental in setting up the Transportation Security Administration and the largest bureaucracy in the history of man, the Depatment of Homeland Security. It's my guess that Jackson passed on being in charge of Homeland Security so that he could make more money in the private sector.

And $21.6 million is the tip of the iceberg.



At 6 p.m. Eastern Time tomorrow evening, Food Network is holding a pizza marathon. Check local listings.

Posted by Bill at March 20, 2004 09:36 AM

Posted by: Kathy Howe at March 22, 2004 12:45 PM

lol, kath!

Posted by: stacey at March 22, 2004 04:01 PM