March 27, 2004

The Little Boxer Shorts Button

I was going to write about boxer shorts and the little button that keeps the ...err ... opening closed and how this a definite advantage if one should forget there is a zipper that should be zipped up on one's pants ... and then comment about how when you see some kid walking waddling across the parking lot with the crotch of his pants down around his knees, you know that he's not really too concerned about whether his fly is open, so there is at least one definite advantage to being trendy.

But I'm not in the mood because then you'd think that I left my fly open and I would look like a real lamebrain.

Not that I'm in the right frame of mind to see this particular movie, but while I checked the movie listings for one of the local mega-multiplexes, I saw this:

The Passion of the Christ (R, 126 min.) 3:00am | 4:00am | 6:30am | 6:55am | 7:30am | 9:40am | 10:15am | 10:30am | 11:30am | 12:00pm | 12:30pm | 3:00pm

Hmmm ... tapping the insomniac market, I guess.

Posted by Bill at March 27, 2004 09:17 AM

Kman saw it without me. I am not going to see it. Used to even kinda like Mel. Now, I think he is a butthead. Just my opinion.

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at March 27, 2004 10:54 AM

The other day one of the guys I work with walked up to me with his fly down. I never know what to say so I just pointed at his zipper and said, "Show and Tell was yesterday, dude."

He figured it out pretty quick.

Just thought I'd share.

Posted by: Kathy Howe at March 28, 2004 08:48 PM