September 22, 2004

WIMPS and Neutrinos

If you have been a regular reader for some time or an irregular reader from time-to-time, you realize that this website updates you on scientific news of great importance in every day life, which I translate into plain English.

I found this somewhat alarming tidbit, otherwise unexplained on Harper's Weekly website: "Astrophysicists suggested that a highway of dark matter ripped from the dwarf galaxy Sagittarius, which is being consumed by the Milky Way, is streaming right through Earth."


You would think that this would be big news, but it's not. The "dark matter" is not matter, that is, stuff you can hold in your hand, at all, but some idea in a bunch of pesky scientists' minds.

And they say I'm crazy. If I walked into my shrink's office and said something like this, he would commit me in a nano-second or bump up my medication.

It's kind of like that neutrino thing. Neutrinos are little itty-bitty pieces of parts of atoms, or maybe not, coming from the Sun and other stars, or maybe not, that we can't see and we can't detect, even though they are going right through the Earth and everything on it. Give me a fuckin' break.

I'm telling you right now that, on a much smaller scale, and to analogize to something more mundane, when the J-dogg said, upon the discovery of a bottle of Stolichnaya, that his friend, Adam, asked him to hide the vodka bottle in our house and that's why I found the vodka bottle, I didn't believe him; yet, because these people are "scientists" with second and third degrees, we are expected to believe a cockamamie story like this "dark matter" tale. Dark matter is ... get this ... made up of something called WIMPS, or weakly interacting massive particles, which cannot be seen, cannot be detected by ordinary mortals, cannnot be reasoned with, but speed along at 670,000 miles per hour, and are pouring through the Earth and us.

Can't they come up with something better than this crap?

Posted by Bill at September 22, 2004 03:50 PM

Love the drawings. Can you explain Plancks wall too?

Posted by: Anji at September 23, 2004 09:38 AM

you say dark matter doesn't exist? damn, and i was going to call in sick tomorrow with a case of "dark matter". *sigh* ... oh well.

Posted by: tj at September 23, 2004 12:52 PM

Cool sketch. Talented dude. "Dark matter" tale. Like tales from the dark side... only more scientific.

Posted by: Keri at September 23, 2004 07:49 PM

Y'know... I thought I was feeling weird lately. Now I know why.

Posted by: philip at September 24, 2004 10:30 PM