December 15, 2004

Cover Your Head and Duct

After billions and billions of dollars spent on who knows what, since it's a secret, the missile that was supposed to shoot down an incoming ICBM in a simulated real-life, controlled, good-weather test of the missile defense shield (the Star Wars program from the 20-Mule Team Borax days) did not miss its mark. The fucking missile didn't even get off the launch pad. A dud -- in scientific terms (And I wonder why we don't have flying cars? I'm an idiot.).

So, here's the situation. Here is what we need to do. In case of nuclear attack, take up a position under the nearest desk or heavy table. If it was good enough to survive an attack by the Soviet Union, it's good enough to survive an attack by the evil North Koreans.

And unless we hear something different from the new Director of Homeland Security, we can assume that Tom Ridge's advice about a chemical attack is still good. Duct tape and plastic. I saw clear duct tape made by 3M in Target. I wonder if that will work as well as the regular gray stuff. Should we take that chance without government testing? Probably not.

Say, that under-the-desk thing and the duct tape thing – we did have some government testing, didn’t we? I mean, there had to be – the government tests all kinds of shit. That’s all some companies do … I mean, those companies down in the Research Triangle in North Carolina … that’s how they make all their money.

There just had to be testing … maybe like fucking top secret testing. Yeah, had to be.

"We say to those tyrants who believe they can blackmail America and the free world - you fire, we're going to shoot it down." -- George the Lesser, Aug. 17, 2004, Ridley, PA.

Posted by Bill at December 15, 2004 11:18 PM

I do believe my parents were part of the testing. I guess it all turned out ok, I mean hey they had me didn't they?

Posted by: Jeff A at December 16, 2004 06:10 AM

I don't know about the clear duct tape, but I've found that red and blue works as well as the original gray. If I could find some white, I could patriotically be blown to smithereens.

Posted by: TW at December 16, 2004 12:16 PM

Duct tape is our friend.

Posted by: lucy at December 16, 2004 01:45 PM