December 13, 2005

It's Physics

The snow was coming down at a steady pace. Two overcoated gentlemen stood outside the door to Sky Bank across the slushy street as I waited for the dogs, which were rooting around the statue of Cleveland's greatest mayor, Thomas L. Johnson, smelling homeless smells of those who sleep behind the monument.

While observing the two gentlemen, both wearing black overcoats, probably cashmere, I noticed that one of them, who had donned dull black rubber boots as a part of his business uniform, sported a hairpiece that blended well with his dark hair and graying beard. The other, his shoes shiny black, likely soaking up winter saltwater, large black briefcase in a black, leather-gloved hand, was hatless, also, but had a well-coifed head of dark hair. They were oblivious to the large, white flakes of snow raining down upon them in the twilight under the sodium lamps.

As to what they discussed, I was not privy. The discussion was not an animated one, neither of them gesticulating. They took turns speaking, sometimes smiling, the gentleman with the hairpiece laughing during one exchange.

And as this scene unfolded, something struck me. This was Science. The answer to all questions of the universe ... Physics was happening right there in front of me. I discovered a previously unpublished and unstated hypothesis, probably soon to be a theory, once rigorous experimentation and research has been done to test the principle, and announce it here: All things being equal, newly fallen snow melts faster on a head covered with natural hair as opposed to a head covered by a hairpiece.

Posted by Bill at December 13, 2005 02:43 PM

Good giggling grief! I am seriously paying attention to your little story, looking for "All the President's Men"-like masquerading clues, (the men-in-black mentality), and suddenly I am slammed with a virtual snowball:

"All things being equal, newly fallen snow melts faster on a head covered with natural hair as opposed to a head covered by a hairpiece."

Touche, mon frere, touche!

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at December 13, 2005 10:47 PM

I never fail to be awed, amused, and flabbergasted by the way your mind works. I sure wish I was in a neighboring we could have neighborly chats about all these important things.

Although, the whole artificial tree mandate would bother me. I might have to be defiant and break the condo laws. But how handy to have an attorney nearby!

Posted by: moonandsun03 at December 14, 2005 11:35 AM

Life on this planet will never be the same again

Posted by: Anji at December 16, 2005 10:17 AM