August 23, 2006


My plan was to take Bella (yes, that one) out for a walk by herself, but that wasn't in the cards because the other two were very animated in conveying their desire to go outside; so, I took the whole crew. There are those out there who believe that people and their dogs look alike. First of all, I have been told that Bella is like a ditzy, long-legged fashion model; and I have never been described in quite that way. To further dispel the notion, there are many men out there walking miniature Dobermans and Chihuahuas, far too many to lend any support to such a hypothesis.

I make no judgments about the guy I saw on this warm evening walking his tiny, little Chihuahua. He was about 6 feet, 7 inches tall, and he would have been taller if he had a neck. I will not venture a guess about his weight. It's hard to tell with NFL linemen because many of them are hardly svelte ... perhaps the added weight gives them middle-body strength and leverage to go along with the biceps that might just have been the size of my waist and the sequoia-trunk-sized legs.

And as I told Stacey's Beagle to stop yapping, a feeling shot out from somewhere deep in the dark recesses of my mind, along with shadings of a gruesome image that I fought off, a feeling of hope that the lilliputian dog has its own bed.

Posted by Bill at August 23, 2006 07:23 PM