August 24, 2006

Lessons Not Learned

Well, you asked for it. We haven't learned anything from U.S. foreign policy, which has gotten us bogged down in Afghanistan (Lost that war, according to today's New York Times, for lack of sending in a Ranger battalion to clean up over there 5 years ago) and embroiled in a war in Iraq against anybody shooting at or looking crossed-eyed at Americans. It has fanned the flames of Israel's desire to crush any and all democratically-elected governments in its neighborhood. It has ignited a new newk-you-lerr arms race with North Korea (caused by the U.S. refusal to talk to the North Koreans and its previous cutting off of oil and food to that nation, reminiscent of the treatment of Japan back around 1940) and Iran (caused by threats to destroy the Axis of Scott Evil by George the Lesser).

I thought the other people of the World would be a bit smarter than the guy in power in the fractured United States of America ... after all, there are astronomers and physicists and hybrids, like astro-physicists, out there directing things.

But no, they are no more savvy about foreign policy than Mr. Bush the Lesser.

They go and smack down Pluto, for chrissakes, the fucking idiots, which, in my opinion, creates quite an interplanetary problem, whether they want to admit it's interplanetary or not.

All I know is that in about 5 hours, if my calculation is correct (and I'm not a mathematician ... the extent of my higher mathematics education is how to multiply by 1/3rd), the beings on Pluto will hear about this development, this slap in their planetary puss, so to speak, at which time the attack will begin.

The lessons of history have been ignored once again ... prepare yourselves ... you know the drill ... plastic and duct tape.

Posted by Bill at August 24, 2006 10:56 AM

i DO know the drill.

Posted by: Mr. Fisher at August 25, 2006 01:06 AM