September 01, 2006


back at the apartment. the three of us. jax, bill, and me. jax was released to our custody to get him to the airport for his flight to montana (treatment center). much hurried hilarity (heh) ensued after judge signed the order and j was released (at 2:15). flight was at 4:30. we had to run back downtown to pack up his stuff and be at airport by 3:30. it was crazy. but nice. i'm praying that my feeling that he's -- well -- different is not just rose-colored glasses.

so, we get to airport by 3:30; and things were messed up at the delta counter with j's ticket. i was driving the car around the airport nervously waiting for bill to call me to pick him back up and tell me that jax was safely on his way; but by 4:10, when delta had not straightened things out, they rebooked him on a flight out at 6:15 (IN THE MORNING!).

so that's why we're back here. i've got some chicken parmesan in the oven; bill and jax are out with the dogs. bill's accompanying jax to his home-group meeting tonight as jax is in his custody, legally speaking, and bill takes that pretty seriously. he will NOT be out of our sight until he gets on the plane.

he'll be in montana for 60 days. when his probation officer suggested we call this place in montana, i felt like god was working in our lives again. the first young man i met in the program was a young man named alex who came up to our car as we dropped our then 16-year-old off at starbucks for this very same friday-night meeting. alex saw how bill and i needed some reassurance (he was only 20 at the time) and gave it to us. we loved him immediately. since that time, alex finished college, and GUESS WHERE HE WORKS? righto, the same treatment center where jax is heading tomorrow. once again, i feel so much better knowing that i'm leaving j in alex's hands.

he'll be back in november. at that point, he'll probably go into a "sober house" (a house run by someone in the program who rents out rooms to guys in recovery).

these past couple of weeks sorely tried our patience, strength, and faith. we're on the other side of this latest hump. thanks to all of you who've been there (and here) for us. i really don't think we could have done it without you. i know there are big challenges ahead for jax. next!

love, stace

Posted by Stacey at September 1, 2006 05:57 PM

Glad it worked out ok. I believe in you Jackson! You're going to make it.

Posted by: anonymous at September 1, 2006 07:49 PM

God works in such wonderful and strange ways!!!

Posted by: -d at September 1, 2006 08:12 PM