September 02, 2006

On Polar Bears

While life is running roughshod over everyone and everything, which has been described in general over there on the left side of your screen, we go to great lengths to bring to your attention scientific observations and discoveries that affect your world. The team mascot of the college I attended is the polar bear; so, this article piqued my curiosity.

I leave the rest to your imagination without comment.

**And on Thursday night, to add some detail to the saga described on my right (your left), when we visited J-dogg at the jail, he showed us his jail-issue slippers with smiley faces imprinted thereupon, so that when he looked down the smiley faces were looking up at him.

And I just got an e-mail from my good friend, DT, who hails from a place called Gomer, which is, relatively speaking, close to the larger town of Hicksville. He attached this, which would be some evidence that Ms. Jackson might be ... er, like totally unsophisticated.

Posted by Bill at September 2, 2006 12:45 PM

described IN GENERAL? IN GENERAL? in detail, please.

i make no comment about the article. i'll bet you think twice before you wear your t-shirts proclaiming that you are, indeed, a polar bear.

Posted by: stacey at September 2, 2006 12:49 PM

Funny Bill. I think I probably know the person who made the comment about the Dollar palace and the Wal-of-Mart. (as some of us call it, here in southwest, Virginia) Having lived in the south for most of my life, I have chuckled over many comments and ideals of folks who never knew anything, save, the "holler" where they were raised. I am grateful, actually. My love for Appalachian culture delights me!

Posted by: Trace at September 2, 2006 03:25 PM

Oh sure, laugh! I, for one, understand what a pain it is having to get all gussied up for the weekly Wal-Mart run. No gravy-stained wife beater there, letmetellyou! Well, not without shoes on anyway.

Posted by: buzz at September 3, 2006 06:02 AM