September 05, 2006


we had the BEST weekend. started with the jackal home for friday evening. it was a gift that bill and i really needed. he was the old jackson. sigh. off to the airport by 5 a.m. saturday morning. by about 2 p.m., bill and i were totally beat. he took the dogs out (NO WEEPING!), and then we crashed. woke up to the dogs barking. our neighbor, paulius, was at the door, WITH A CHOCOLATE CAKE! yummmmm. chocolate cake with cayenne pepper with a cream-cheese frosting!

we each had a giant piece of cake -- that woke us up! spent the evening cleaning and relaxing. watched a couple movies.

sunday we had friends over. bill took them up on the roof deck (i don't do roofs) to catch the blue angels show -- the cleveland national air show is always labor day weekend. it was so cool all week long -- they practiced every day at about the same time. several times, we had to tell phone callers what was going on in our "back yard."

yesterday, we slept in and spent another lazy day watching golf, tennis, and movies. we walked up to starbucks while the blue angels flew over our heads and in between some of the taller downtown buildings.

ahhhhhh. just what the doctor ordered.

Posted by Stacey at September 5, 2006 05:26 PM

Just a normal chilled out post. Hope your week has been the same.

Posted by: Anji at September 7, 2006 05:41 AM