September 15, 2006

Strange Friday

It started last night. I did something I haven't done in a long, long time and stopped at McDonald's. Stacey wanted a filet-o-fish and a cherry pie. I thought I'd try the cherry pie, paying the extra 20 cents for two of them. I took a bite ... fucking burned my mouth ... after a few minutes, I took another bite. Does McDonald's pay Amish women to make these fucking pies? There was red goop in it, but no cherries. I suppose some people actually like pies like this ... not me.

I was at the West Side Market today. I stopped at my favorite cheese stand and paid $5.44 for a couple kinds of cheese. There's a guy that sells apple-cured meats and I got some smoked apple-cured turkey and smoked apple-cured ham, totaling $5.44. If I played the numbers ....

Before that, we went to the bank, and I told Stacey, "I hate coming to this branch. People there are rude" because last time I was in the fucking branch, I was scolded for asking for a counter check to get cash instead of using the ATM machine for a cash withdrawal and was further scolded for not having my ATM card with me, much to my chagrin; and she said, "Let's go to another one," but we were there; I went in. I was at the counter, filling out deposit slips ... and it wasn't like there were 27 deposit slips, but just two ... when I heard, "What are you doing in here? Get out of here!" S.O.P. at this branch, I guess. I turned to see who was talking ... it was the branch manager, the new branch manager, who was the manager at the branch we used before we moved, smile beaming at me, and who I hadn't seen in months. She invited me to sit down and re-cap what had been going on in our lives in the last six months.

When I got back in this morning from walking the dogs, I found this stuck in our door:
ROFLMAO Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... oh, man ... you have got to be kidding ... hahahahahahahahaha!!!

Oh, I almost forgot ... check out this video on You Tube.

Posted by Bill at September 15, 2006 03:07 PM

I seriously do not know what had me laughing harder, Bill. The video? Or the survey. Mwahahahaha!!!!

Hysterical. Thanks for sharing.

Posted by: Keri at September 15, 2006 07:57 PM

I don't get it. Maybe not enough coffee yet. But why was she doing that "What are you doing in here? Get out of here!" bit?

Posted by: Kyle at September 16, 2006 12:48 PM

Dude, are you crazy? Sublet the condo and squeeze the Republicans for every overpriced penny they're willing to pay. Then go visit out-of-town friends, or family, or, hell, just go on a fun vacation to wherever. You don't want to be in town that week anyways!

Posted by: lucy at September 18, 2006 12:21 AM

I think Lucy is on to something. Charge them a stupendous amount of money, put up all kinds of wet-the-bed-liberal posters, lay out every kind of left wing, hippie, home-birth, gay-loving, magazine you can find, buy hemp sheets for the beds, and be sure to leave some tie-dyed clothing around. It'd be fun!

Posted by: moonandsun03 at September 18, 2006 12:33 PM