October 29, 2006


jax is back in montana after his 20-day "wilder trip" to yellowstone. he loved it. absolutely loved it. evidently, he had no freakouts about the elevations to which the group climbed (didn't get THAT from bill and me). he's happy, clean (sober), healthy. and excited about his life. he leaves wednesday for a halfwayhouse in palm beach, florida, for the winter (heh). it's a good place. i hope we can get him home for a day or two at christmas (depends on his job, flights, money).

i'll try to start posting on things other than the jackal. certain family members have mentioned to me that i'm sounding dull, provincial. i read between the lines -- it is what i inferred. i'm thinking through a rant on high school civics in my mind. don't know when i'll get around to it.

oh. and we're looking for a good home for bella. darling, high maintenance bella. we believe strongly that she was not treated very well before we got her at 4 months as she's sketchy, fearful with those she doesn't know, and hates being left home (separation anxiety). she's not even 2 yet. she's come a long, long way. she's very loving and sweet. but she doesn't belong in an apartment building where there are lots of dogs with whom she has not bonded. recently grabbed a neighbor's small doggy's head in her big jaw and would not let go. neighbor is being very nice about the incident -- agrees it was a "dog thing;" but is not comfortable with her anymore. we don't blame him. we're only supposed to have 2 dogs anyway (the plan was that jax would take one), so... until we can find the right fit for her, we'll get her a muzzle for when she leaves the apartment. and i'm going to talk to the vet about doggy prozac to treat her separation anxiety.

Posted by Stacey at October 29, 2006 01:31 PM

Maybe you've read the note I posted-- that my mom said some of my writing had been dull lately? Another friend said her mom does the same to her about what she writes. I feel the way she does about it. It is not always easy to come up with something spectacular to write about creatively. It takes work and energy we don't always have the time for. I say write whatever the hell you want to write about. It's your blogsite. I miss reading your entries when you haven't written.

So sorry to hear Bella is having anxiety. I hope you can find a neat home for her...

Posted by: Trace at October 29, 2006 06:32 PM

By the by--my comment was not to insult other family members. Just think the blogging is all about what's on your mind and heart, that's all...

Posted by: Trace at October 29, 2006 06:35 PM

Dull and provincial are the last two words I would ever think of to describe you. Never.

I really should email more often. I have lots of comments, questions, just general bonding to do with you. Sadly, I have no spare time.

Posted by: moonandsun03 at October 29, 2006 07:31 PM

I am so glad he's doing well.... as for other things... all fine and good but just so ya know... the jax stuff is really good.

For example, the letter that Jax wrote that you published for him still makes my skin stand on edge and his words made me see addictions in a much different light!

Posted by: -d at October 30, 2006 11:49 PM

I'm glad to see you back and so relieved all is going well with Jax. Now it's bella's turn. I'm sure you'll find her a loving home so she won't have to wear a muzzle for long.

Posted by: Anji at November 1, 2006 03:36 AM