October 30, 2006


i love starbucks. i admit it. i'm not going to get into an argument about megachain shops vs. small independently owned coffee shops. i'm not saying starbucks is better -- just that i love it. enough of the apologizing.

i love starbucks. i love the coffee. i know it's roasted longer than a lot of other coffees. i like it that way. i like the shops. i like the merchandise. i like many of the baristas. i love the logo. i love the feel of the white cup in my hands. i love the seasonal coffee beverages. the maple machiatto is my current favorite. before that it was the pumpkin spice latte. soon, i'll be ordering the gingerbread or eggnog latte. out of season, it's the one-pump venti mocha (sometimes with a shot of toffee nut syrup). we buy the beans for the house (to use in our starbucks italia digital espresso machine).

i make no apologies for paying the admittedly exhorbitant price for what some might call "a freaking cup of coffee." i pay it because starbucks pays a living wage and provides health insurance to all employees who work over a certain number of hours (i think it's 20 -- i could be wrong). i like that about starbucks. and i also like starbucks' policy (this may be news to some of you -- thus the 101 title to this post) that the customer must be satisfied with their beverage. or they will make it again. and give you a coupon for another free beverage.

see? you didn't know that? and maybe you don't know it because the barrista hasn't been forthcoming about the policy or has been stingy with the coupons. bad, bad barrista.

i'm not telling you to be an asshole and goofy about the quality of your drink. make nice, people. but you also shouldn't be paying this kind of money for a crummy drink. and if you're not an asshole, i hope the barrista will respond as he or she is trained to respond. if not, ask. if you are not totally satisfied with your experience, send an e-mail to starbucks. the customer service people are really good.

starbucks wants you happy. if you don't like "the buck," fine. i'm performing this public service for those who are interested.

Posted by Stacey at October 30, 2006 01:04 PM

I don't have one. If I go out for coffee, it's McDonald's or the Chevron. I want me a Starbucks, too.

Posted by: Vicki at October 30, 2006 04:06 PM

I like Starbucks too; especially since I've found the one in Christiansburg, Va. that is not located inside a Barnes & Noble Bookstore. Don't misunderstand, I like it that Starbucks are located in the Barnes and Noble bookstores for convenience sake; and it is nice to go in, sit down with a book and sip on a latte' or two. It's just that the feel of the coffee shop atmosphere is a plus for me, as well as their great coffees. I didn't know they would re-make your drink if it doesn't suit. How cool!

Posted by: Trace at October 30, 2006 07:06 PM

I'm still waiting for one to open in La Rochelle...

Posted by: Anji at November 1, 2006 03:38 AM