November 01, 2006

Leaving Montana

The decidedly-left-leaning J-dogg arrived at the airport to leave Montana at the same time that one of his way-less-than-favorite (I will not use the description the boy actually used) persons arrived, Secret Service and Homeland Security failing to totally shield him from the public. There are some who will claim that it was a coincidence, a chance encounter.

I find it no coincidence that Big Dick Cheney showed up in Kalispell at the time the J-dogg was leaving and no coincidence that W will be arriving in Montana tomorrow, all in attempts to undo the political damage done by the boy in that state.

Posted by Bill at November 1, 2006 11:10 PM

Glad the boy was getting the heck outta' there before he would feel the need to break bad on those assholes.

Posted by: Trace at November 2, 2006 12:15 PM

This post just had me giggling hysterically. It is great that the humor is not lost in all this craziness.

Posted by: moonandsun03 at November 2, 2006 02:30 PM