November 08, 2006


what is it with you? do you really think that when people talk about a "sense of entitlement" that they're couldn't be talking about YOU? because, after all, you're rich or white or protestant or blonde or cute or, god forbid, all of those? so YOU don't have a sense of entitlement! noooo, you just deserve to cut in line or park in handicapped-marked spots (you're only running in for a second!) or whatever. you're a NICE PERSON! YOU'RE A CHRISTIAN!


i've noticed that it's more likely that a "person" (i call these "people" people to be generous. i think they believe they're more highly evolved than regular people; thus, the laws and traditions to which most of us regular people adhere don't apply to them) will illegally park in a handicapped-only spot in an upscale area than in a not-so-upscale area. if you read about a gimpy lady getting beat up in cleveland as she confronted a "super-person" who parked in a handicapped-only spot. i hope the news mentions that i got 'em good though.


yesterday bill refused to wear his "i voted" sticker. he was more comfortable sporting a "curious george" sticker that he removed from a banana.


more proof that matt is bill's kid: today on the phone, i thought of something else i wanted to tell him after starting my goodbyes. he said to me when i took a breath (although not yet finished), "yeahhhh, we said goodbye, right?" i went out to where bill was sitting reading the paper and smacked him on his bald head.


yay to democrats! yay for us!

poor george. had to turn him off when he was talking about the message received that the american people wanted both parties to work together. as opposed to what he said when republcans won big a couple years ago: mandate. political capital. blah, blah, blah. no talk of working together when they were on top. typical. republicans. pffft.

Posted by Stacey at November 8, 2006 06:24 PM

I love this post. I understand this post; and I am laughing hysterically...thank you for giving me a picture of you in my mind today! I can just see you lifting your walking stick up to pounce on some foolish soul out there who pretends to give a damn about anyone, as they pull right into the handicapped parking space and "run" into the store.

I can also picture Bill looking up at ya' after the slap on his bald head, and saying, "whaaaaat?"

Posted by: Trace at November 9, 2006 12:30 AM

This is a friggin' hilarious post.

I am now the not so proud owner of a handicap placard. I don't use it because I thinking someone who needs the spot more should have it. Then my honey gets annoyed with me and reminds me that the doctor gave me the paperwork for it for a reason. I just hate the thought of someone older, or less able to walk, driving around, grumbling because all the blue spots are taken. :-(

Posted by: moonandsun03 at November 9, 2006 09:55 AM