November 11, 2006

Saturday Annoyances

What kind of clumsy attempt at humor is this strip by Johnny Hart that was in this morning's newspaper?
"Penultimate" means "next-to-the-last." So, a firing squad is the next-to-the-last implementation of downsizing. I don't get it. Would someone explain it to me?

Or does Mr. Hart mean that it is the ultimate implementation of downsizing, meaning the best or the end of it? If so, and I think he is, he's using the wrong fucking word.

And what the fuck is it with the Citibank commercial with the guy with the foreign accent who kind of looks like that Rumanian gymnastics coach? Is that supposed to be cute or funny or something? It's fucking annoying. I changed the channel every time it was on. Fuck 'em.

The Fabulous Food Show is in Cleveland, which is a good thing; but I am not paying a $25 admission fee, which translates to $50 for two people, for the opportunity to spend more money on cooking stuff.

Maybe I'm just in one of those foul moods today.

Posted by Bill at November 11, 2006 10:28 PM

Hart shoots and misses more often than Dick Cheney. No wait, that's a misnomer too, I mean a non sequitur. :o)

Totally with you on the commercial. Dasvedanya, citibank.

Posted by: Kyle at November 13, 2006 12:03 AM

You should check out the film Borat.... ;)

Posted by: Joel at November 14, 2006 04:30 PM