January 05, 2007

You've Got Mail

Back on December 20, our president, exercising some kind of unitary executive authority, about which there is nary a word in the Constitution of the United States of America, decided, in his Decider-mode, that he could open United States Mail any time he gets the feeling that there's something bad in the envelope or package. There was a law passed by his Congress, before some left for Christmas break and some for the unemployment office, which says that a warrant is required to open mail. Bush, in one of his signing statements ... this one saying he's not bound by the law ... said he could do it in an emergency.

So, he says he can open the mail with no warrant. He says he can listen in on phone conversations with no warrant. He says he can hold non-citizens forever without any due process of law. He says he can torture people ... or use persuasive non-lethal methods, which, in my book, would include shooting someone in the leg, holding a gun to their head, beating the crap out of them, and stuff like that until the people tell you what you want them to say.

As an aside here, I've finally figured out where the president gets his legal authority for all this stuff he believes he can do. 24. He watches 24 and figures that whatever Jack Bauer can do, he can do. You wait and see. Something will happen in the upcoming season premiere ... Jack Bauer will have to do something unbelievable -- like cut down all the trees west of the Mississippi to find a witness who saw the Ukranian brother-in-law of a Muslim guy who bought toilet tissue made of recycled paper make a bank deposit in an even-numbered amount -- and then Bush will say in a signing statement he can do that. And I'll let you in on a secret ... the first sounds of Jack Bauer's names are the same as that of our president. He believes that his almighty god worked that one out with the producers and writers of 24 and that it is no coincidence.

I have a plan on the mail thing. Let's all make it easy on W. Send him a copy of every letter you send by U.S. Mail. At the bottom, make sure you put "cc: George W. Bush." Your co-workers will really be impressed. Tell them that you know George wants to know what they are doing at work. That will impress them, also. Or they'll think you're a lunatic. The U.S. Postal Service delivers 212 billion pieces of mail a year ... even if 1/100th of 1% of that mail is copied to the White House, that's almost 100,000 pieces of mail a day going to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20500. And while you're at it, copy Dick Cheney with all your e-mail or take a moment and drop him an e-mail right now. He's been pretty quiet of late.

Posted by Bill at January 5, 2007 07:59 PM

Damn, I never made that connection before--thank you so much for enlightening me. Everything just makes the most perfect sense now.

Posted by: Vicki at January 5, 2007 10:07 PM

I don't watch 24. Guess I won't need to now. I'll just follow the news about W. It is difficult for me to fathom what he has gotten by with; especially when soooo many were ready to impeach president Clinton for his involvement (for lack of a better thought)with Monica in the oval office.

Posted by: Trace at January 5, 2007 11:58 PM

I'm reading about the last hundred or so years of the Tsardom in Russia and you know what? There are a lot of parallels between those clowns and the pResident. What kind of autocrat is he? I have the sinking feeling that the plan he's been working on behind closed doors isn't for Iraq but for us.

Posted by: Joel at January 6, 2007 01:17 AM

Way to go; I once handed the White House phone number out to a class of loony teenagers. They were disappointed that there was only a very slim chance that the President would be answering the phone. Does he speak french?

Posted by: Anji at January 11, 2007 02:17 AM