June 11, 2007

Bombing Iraq

As I was watching "The Sopranos" last night, something that was said by one of the characters made me wonder. No, it's not about the onion rings that Tony claimed were the best in Jersey. The onion rings looked like the pre-made, frozen, dump-'em-in-the-fryer Ore-Ida onion rings and not fresh-cut, hand-dipped onion rings, which might be expected to be the best in Jersey.

The scene was the secure wing of the hospital, in which, Uncle Junior is a patient; and he is visted by Tony's sister, Janice, who tells Uncle Junior about her husband, "Bobby's dead." Uncle Junior says, "Ambassador Hotel."

I stood outside the junior high school doors, waiting for them to open, on the last day of school, when a friend told me that Bobby Kennedy had been shot and was probably not going to make it. A lot of commenators more schooled than I am peg the end of innocence and a significant change in the course of American history to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I cannot disagree with that assessment; but the death of Bobby Kennedy stilled the winds of change in this country in 1968, doldrums that still affect the events of today.

I was wondering, brought to mind by babbling Uncle Junior's "Ambassador Hotel" answer, what ever happened to "Shock and Awe"?

Is bombing still going on? What has been the result of over four years of bombing? Is phosphorus being used? Magnesium? Napalm?

Is it being reported somewhere by someone? Or is this another instance of the "free press" in this country being suppressd? We've been told that privacy concerns outweigh the freedom of the press when it comes to publishing photos of coffins and body bags. That's a lie.

But what kind of concerns are there for the privacy of Iraqi citizens and the Iraqi countryside getting blown to smithereens by rockets launched by helicopter gunships and other aircraft? I can't believe that bombing has been halted -- McCain wouldn't have made that sick joke if it had stopped.

How many tons of bombs are being dropped on Iraq today?

Posted by Bill at June 11, 2007 05:03 PM