October 22, 2007


1. last week, a girl took my picture with a flash camera from inside a bar as i was getting on maxine, superbarbiescooter. i was caught off guard and said nothing. if it ever happens again, i'm ready. i may have to beat the shit out of somebody.

2. bill asked me if i wanted to do this this weekend, but then quickly rescinded the invitation: "i think i have my referee training for this.

3. fuckin' tribe.

4. fuckin' tribe.

5. jax called me friday evening screaming into the phone -- it took me a couple seconds to understand him: "MY SONG'S PLAYING ON THE RADIO!!!" local non-commercial (illegal?) station giving his stuff some play. COOLNESS!

6. fuckin' tribe.

Posted by Stacey at October 22, 2007 11:43 AM

I'm guessing this is somehow baseball related?

Posted by: Vicki at October 22, 2007 03:15 PM

Holy toledo! Congratulations to Jackson!

Kick Bill's ass and tell him you're headed to Jonesborough with or without him, and on Maxie! ;) Is he serious about the Dodgeball competition? LOL... (it's the prize he's aiming for, right? A year's worth of chipitshit, as it is affectionately known in these parts).

Posted by: Keri at October 22, 2007 07:53 PM

Would love to hear Jackson's music and songs. Is there any way? Way to go Jackson! Yay, Yay, Yes, indeedy.

Posted by: Trace at October 22, 2007 10:14 PM

Fuckin' Tribe.

Posted by: lucy at October 22, 2007 11:51 PM

At least you had some good news! Congratulations Jackson!

Posted by: Anji at October 23, 2007 10:58 AM

Jax is on the radio??!!!!

That is wonderful. Your boys are quite a source of pride and joy, aren't they?

Posted by: moonandsun03 at October 26, 2007 01:02 PM