October 23, 2007

NO. 1! pffft.

ok, so i AM number one in a google search for "fuckin' tribe;" some of the results are even about the cleveland indians. mostly not. weirdos.

i'm PISSED about how they played. stupid. scared. way out of their league the last couple games. imho, here's what i'd consider if *i* were in charge:

1) pitching coach who knows how to call pitches (i'm WAY past thinking that a catcher should know this). i realize this may be a lost art, and that there aren't many who may know what i'm even talking about here; shame on you major league coaches who don't get it. call bill. PLEASE. PLEASE.

2) a coach who knows he should replace dh in the lineup if he isn't HITTING. duh.

3) a sports psychologist to get in their fucking HEADS. you pussy ball players walk around cleveland acting like you're hot shit and better'n anybody, but put you in boston, and you act like you play for the saint monica's girl's softball team. grrrrrr.

i'm not the type of person who has EVER held onto bad feelings about losing a sporting event (i'm from cleveland -- you have to learn early to deal with it), but this one hurt. more than pain, i feel embarrassed. ashamed.

fuckin' tribe.

Posted by Stacey at October 23, 2007 10:00 AM

I read this when you first posted it; and regarding the google search thing, I'm havin' a tough time figuring out what to do on my own site where I've discovered I've been listed in places my site doesn't belong. I posted about it today. Got any advice on how to report these weird-ass people?
Oh, ouch for the tribe...

Posted by: Trace at October 30, 2007 10:10 PM