November 20, 2007


we are so full of shit. i say "we" cuz we elected him. he who spouts the words "freedom" and "democracy" as if they were sacred to him. we're like idiots distracted by the pretty colors of a waving flag. wait. can't. think. pretty. colors.

we already know what he thinks of freedom. can you see what he -- and we -- have done with our civil liberties. stop. don't think. it hurts too much.

can you see that the promise of fighting for democracy is bullshit when you look at who we're in bed with. cough. do you know who musharraf is? what he is doing? don't worry. you won't remember in the morning. you'll just keep voting for whomever makes you feel good about yourself, while we're putting the entire world giant steps closer to extinction.

Posted by Stacey at November 20, 2007 11:02 PM

Eloquently stated Stace; and so very true.

Posted by: tracy at November 21, 2007 12:06 AM

Patriotism is the conviction that your country is great because you were born in it.

- George Bernard Shaw

Posted by: Joel at November 22, 2007 11:15 PM