January 07, 2008

The Question Unasked

Q: Now, Roger (batting eyelashes innocently), handing you this check you wrote for $1,400 to Brian McNamee, can you explain why you would pay Mr. McNamee that outrageous amount of money to inject you with lidocaine and B-12 when all you had to do was go down the hall from the locker room, visit the licensed physician paid by the team, and ask him to give you lidocaine and B-12 shots for free?

Posted by Bill at January 7, 2008 08:50 AM

Stop asking unasked questions. Troublemaker. ;-)

Posted by: KathyHowe at January 9, 2008 09:37 AM

So, what do you think of the idea that has been passed around that Roger Clemens is suing Brian McNamee only so he can tell Congress he has "no comment due to ongoing litigation" when he shows up to testify before them?

I can't think of a single reason, even after seeing the 60 minutes interview, that a baseball fan should give Roger Clemens any sort of benefit of the doubt. In fact, I don't want to visually indict anyone, but I found it kind of telling that Clemens went to the water bottle 75 times during a taped TV piece.

What, you got nervous hands Roger? Why are you so parched?

Posted by: FilteringCraig at January 9, 2008 11:38 AM