February 21, 2008


i know, i know i've been neglecting the blog. so much going on here. too busy to write.

bill flew to florida on the ninth, was picked up by the jackal at the airport. quick stop at his place and his workplace, and they were on the road back to cleveland. the crazies drove straight through and were at j's new place in tremont by 10:30 saturday morning. bill and i have been off and on helping him get settled. spent today doing more of the same. dead tired and hurting, we are. the highlight of the day was watching and TRYING to help bill and jax get a queen-sized box spring up a stairway sized for at most a full-size box spring. they wound up having to cut the box frame nearly in half. bill has to fix up a little of the ceiling plaster, too. arghhhhh.

the day before yesterday, jackson got a call from his old manager in florida, rosie, that j's best friend and coworker, katie, was on life support in the hospital. 29 years old, and her mom went in to wake her for work and found her not breathing. today, they took her off life support. j's been a wreck off and on and has not wanted to answer any calls from florida today. he just called me and said there are 9 messages, and he's not sure if he wants to listen to them tonight. too sad.

he's been handling all this really well and with the support of his people up here.

tonight, bill and i spent well over an hour freezing our butts (and noses. and ears. and...) off sitting up at a local park with the car sunroof open watching the lunar eclipse. it was awesome. i hope you got a chance to see it. it was pretty cloudy about an hour before, and we didn't think we'd get a chance to watch it. but it cleared up nicely, and the night sky was beautiful! basically, it looked like a giant single piece of kix cereal floating in mid air. way cool. we sat and talked about the -- bill just said, "here's mine" so i turned to my right and read bill's post up on his computer screen, and he wrote about this, so i won't rehash. but it was a lovely, lovely evening.

my dear cousin, janice, wrote me an e-mail this evening asking me if i have thought about writing about a happy marriage. she's got me thinking. i do believe i have a successful (so far), functional (mostly), and happy (more happy days than unhappy days). and at this point (almost 34 years), i do believe that's pretty good. i've said before (but that won't stop me from saying it again) that i'm still crazy about the guy. and i feel loved. i do. and i know i can depend on him to work with me and for me on anything we need to do to deal with whatever comes our way. we enjoy the hell out of each other's company. but we've had some verrrry difficult times and some verrry unhappy days. i think that you have to expect that in life and in marriage. we married because we were crazy about each other and knew that we wanted to build a life together. we wanted to commit to that and to each other. for us, that is what marriage means. marriage is important to us.

but i also have very dear friends who are in a committed, non-married relationship. and it seems to work well for them. but marriage is what bill and i wanted. marriage is different for everybody. we have what we want, and includes that marital commitment to each other. it works for us.

end of proselytizing.

we picked up stuff at our storage unit today (some stuff to bring to jackson's, some to bring home and go through). and when we finally got home after 6 p.m., i started looking through the boxes. garbage pile, shred pile, more stuff for jackson, some for matt, and plenty o' crap (and not so crap) for us. school pictures, hockey pictures, report cards, notes, calendars, newsletters that i wrote or edited, lots of fun stuff. bill stuck up on the bulletin board between us a u. s. mail postal rate card that the post office would place in the mail chute information slot in one of the buildings that we worked in (it was early in our marriage, and i don't remember from where we swiped the thing -- probably a federal crime, pffft). it says:



i'm sure there's more i've neglected to tell you, but it will have to wait for another time. i'm beat. night-night, sleep tight. don't let the bed bugs bite.

p.s. i also found a preschool picture of matt in the homemade optimus prime costume i made for him. i'm going to post it here when i have the time and energy.

Posted by Stacey at February 21, 2008 12:27 AM

Poor JAX! What happen to his dear friend... such a young lady!

I love your comments on marriage... committment. It is all about that isn't it!

Posted by: -d at February 21, 2008 05:05 PM

It is so hard to see someone your own age devastated like that-hope your son is ok and some miracle has happened there!

It is so cool going through old boxes and pictures finding some long forgotten treasures-I have some to go through myself.

Posted by: Heather Z at February 24, 2008 01:36 AM

That was a good post so now we are up to date. I'm sorry to hear about Jackson's friend, don't you wish you could protect them from that kind of thing. The good news is that he is coping.

I agree with you about marriage. It is between two people to decide how they want to commit themselves. I do wish young people would give themselves more time to get to know each other though.

Rob's recently acquired a great shelf for our postcards. It was made for storing postcards for sale in one of the monuments. It was going to be smashed up, but I imagine if 'the powers that be' discover he's salvaged it he could be in trouble.

Posted by: Anji at February 25, 2008 12:20 PM

So sorry to hear about Jackson's friend.

It was lovely to hear your marriage thoughts. I expected no different. :) Glad you enjoyed the eclipse. Delightful that you froze our butts off to see it. Keith and I, such freeze babies, sat in our house and watched from our bedroom window. A delight that we were able to see so much of it from there. And it was gorgeous.

Posted by: keri at February 28, 2008 07:55 PM

I've been thinking about Jackson's move into his new apartment; and about his friend. I hope he is coping better with the sadness he was feeling, and finding peace in his new space.

Posted by: tracy at March 2, 2008 01:36 AM

Happy Black Jelly Belly weekend, dear.


Posted by: Keri at March 22, 2008 04:56 PM