March 06, 2008

On Politics and Knives

John McCain scares the bejeebers out of me. He championed the cause against torture in public, then switched sides recently, supporting the President's position against a bill that would define torture by Americans (read that "CIA guys") as it is defined in the Uniform Code of Military Justice. He joked about "Bomb, bomb, bomb ... bomb, bomb Iran," which is reminiscent of the current Chief Executive's sense of humor; and he won't even begin to scale back on the current engagement with the Iraqi's and will make it a wedding, keeping permanent bases there. I think the man has deteriorated over the past eight years -- not as sharp as he used to be.

That's all I have to say on that subject -- ever.

<----- *Stacey* wanted to get breakfast and a butter pecan latte; so, she came with me to court this morning. She stayed in the car and read her car book (her stated objective), and I went in to ply my trade of lying and conniving, as it were, since it was my last criminal case for the time being.

Figuring that I should be a courteous spouse, I sent her a txt msg about my estimated time of completion, which varies from court-to-court and judge-to-judge.

No immediate response. Maybe she was taking a nap, I figured, or maybe she had succumbed to the silent demon, carbon monoxide ...

Then my Blackberry vibrated, and I saw that she had responded.

Needing to use the ladies' room, she tried to get into the court house while carrying her Leatherman Micra. She was stopped at the portal of the metal detector by the large, armed, large-armed, uniformed policeman. He confiscated her deadly weapon, realizing that the old bathroom excuse was probably a ruse, and that she was a severe threat to national security. When she got back from the ladies' room, she sweet-talked the guy into giving the Leatherman back to her.

It's not like she didn't know what would happen. I've told her stories of people getting stopped for trying to carry guns, knives, pepper spray, maces, happy face stickers, and other stuff past security, some being arrested. Who knew?

Posted by Bill at March 6, 2008 02:44 PM

I alwaysthought that Stacey was a sweet lady and she walks round with one of those!!
"since it was my last criminal case for the time being." perhaps the next case will be defending your wife. Tell her not to get on any planes if she's arrested.

Posted by: Anji at March 7, 2008 03:26 AM

I imagine the hard part, for attorneys, is getting along without paper clips.

Posted by: Kyle at March 9, 2008 12:44 AM

Think what that thing could do to a man's testicles. She should have told them that she was bringing them for use in one of the secret trials.

As for McCain: The guy can't even do his own talking anymore. What do you bet that sometime before the election he disowns Shrub?

Posted by: Joel at March 9, 2008 03:25 AM