March 16, 2008

A Restaurant Gag

Yesterday morning, we grabbed breakfast at a place in Little Italy. A lady wearing a bright red coat, tanned face, obviously surgically altered, with silvery hair peaking from under a fur-trimmed hat, walked in. She brought her trimmed-and-groomed white dog, a long, low sausage with tufts of fur, in with her, holding the dog's leash in a black-leather-gloved hand.

Of course, the lady was violating city health code regulations; but the dog didn't seem to be vicious. And even if it was vicious, it couldn't take a very big bite out of the little kid running around unsupervised. Besides that, unlike the guy with the black lab I see from my window, who isn't, as I write this, picking up his black lab's poop down at Settler's Landing, the lady in the red coat is conscientious about that aspect of dog ownership.

She carried her translucent orange plastic bag with the evidence of her conscientiousness right there in the bag -- in the restaurant, while I was eating.

Posted by Bill at March 16, 2008 11:16 AM

There's this little German style resort restaurant up at Lake Almanor NE of Sacramento. They serve trout. They'll catch yours from their pond while you watch out the window. Or if you've been lucky, you can bring your catch and they'll cook it up for you. With potatoes au gratin.

Posted by: kyle at March 16, 2008 01:26 PM

Jeez, I can't believe she brought shit into the restaurant with her.

I remember Little Italy well from childhood. I loved it there.

Posted by: tracy at March 17, 2008 06:36 AM

There's an older (and by older, I now mean elderly - gray haired you know... elderly, not just empty nesters older like us guys and youse guys) couple who comes into the local coffee shop and has a little hairy sausage on legs with them once in a while. But they never bring the baggie in with them. That'd put me over the top, I think. It is far more troublesome when they bring in the unsupervised grandchild who runs around from one end of the place to the other as he gets more and more bored.

That baggie was plain rude. Do you suppose she was bringing it along to show that you could be worry free that the pooch wouldn't poop in your presence because it had already done it's job? ;)

Posted by: Keri at March 17, 2008 07:14 PM