April 11, 2008

On Ghosts

I didn't think much of what had occurred until I got near my door. I was out this morning, stopped in at the market next door, and returned. I made a move to hit the elevator call button in the lobby. There are two elevators there, more at other places in the building. Before I could press the button, the left elevator doors opened. I waited, expecting someone to walk out.

Nobody did.

I thought nothing of it, as I said, went into the elevator and pressed my floor button. The doors opened when I reached the floor, and I alighted from the elevator car, heading toward the door.

And that's when it hit me. Why did the elevator door open before I hit the call button? Nobody came out of the elevator. No buttons were illuminated on the panel inside the elevator.

I stopped and listened. It could not have a mechanical malfunction. I ran into the elevator guy yesterday on his way into the building. It could not have been a ghost. Only in movies are ghosts able to move things. It just doesn't happen in real life. Of course, there are those people who say that they've heard ghosts moaning or saying stuff or rapping on tables or walls or tossing silverware or dishes, but these reports are believed to be that of ghosts and have not really been investigated.

I stopped in my tracks, then started and stopped quickly. Why, you ask? So whoever was behind me would run into me. Because the invisible man or woman might not have gotten off the elevator when the door opened in the lobby. Might have stayed on the elevator. Might have followed me, intending to come in the door right behind me. Might then knock me silly and steal stuff.

And what would I tell the police? It was an invisible person? They would think I'm nuts!

Posted by Bill at April 11, 2008 07:19 PM