April 15, 2008

E-mail to DT

I had a little trouble with the blog -- don't know if it was the government or the 110,000 e-mails (no shit) in the administrator's account, which I didn't know we even had, taking up our allotted server space -- and lost some posts and comments.

I had a nice post about my trip to Indianapolis to see The Black Keys with the set list and all, just like a critic, but I have no clue where that went (probably some government lackey is posting it as his own, but I'll just copy the e-mail I sent to my very good friend, DT, with whom I went to college and have known -- and I know he would say "for far too long" -- for a long time. Here it is:

Hey DT --

Jackson, Hayden (J's roommate), and I drove 5 1/2 hours to Indianapolis Sunday to see The Black Keys concert at a place called the Vogue. Jackson wanted to be up front -- standing at the edge of the stage -- so we got to Indy at 5:15, ate some pizza, then stood in line, waiting for the doors to open. I think we were about 10th in line; so, Jack was happy. You know, I somehow thought that because Indy was south of Cleveland that it would be warmer than Cleveland. I stood out in the fucking cold with snow flakes falling in a white button-down collar shirt. It did have long sleeves. And I was wearing a t-shirt with a peace symbol on it. Fucking cold, man. Finally, they let us in at 7, an hour before the concert -- had to show them my I.D. to prove I was over 21. The guy looked at both sides of my license. Damn -- I look like I'm under 21!! Must be the short hair.

Anyway, we stood right in front of the drummer. The opening act sucked -- 80's punk rock, but very bad. The Black Keys were great. But during the last song before the encores, some dumb fuck fell into me and the girl to my right -- or pushed into us; so, I elbowed him in the stomach and yelled at him to back off. He did, then after the encores and after the band left the stage, I don't know what the fuck the guy was trying to do. He kept pushing me and pointing toward the stage and hitting me in the neck and back of the head. Fucking asshole. I picked up some girl's jacket off the stage -- she had been behind me -- and gave it to her. She was over on my right and this guy kept with his pointing and kind of hitting me; so, I told him to keep his fucking hands off me. He told me to shut the fuck up. I told him to stop fucking hitting me cuz he didn't know who he was fucking with -- Jackson said I was yelling at the guy. The guy was about 6-3 and about 25 yrs. old. He yelled fuck you so I told him not to fuck with me and that he was fucking with the wrong guy (I did call him mother fucker at that point) and he said I was fucking with the wrong guy and the mother fucker pushed me. I warned him that he was making a big fucking mistake fucking with me, motherfucker asshole (or something like that). I didn't understand the protocol in concert fighting -- was I supposed to push him in the shoulder? I don't know -- I didn't. I was trying to be nice, then he grabbed my shirt with his right hand and like pulled me toward him and he had a beer bottle in his left hand and that was it -- I yelled that I told him that he was fucking with the wrong guy and my left hand shot out and grabbed his neck -- grabbed a hold of his wind pipe and started squeezing the fucker. His eyes were real big, like he was scared. And surprised, I guess, cuz I didn't grab his shirt -- that's probably how they fight at concerts, especially drunk guys. Mother fucker. So I held on to his fucking windpipe until some guy came and dragged him away. ripped my fucking shirt, motherfucker, but he's gonna have to explain what happened to his neck. Mother fucker. Then he had the bottle like he was gonna hit me with it, but he wasn't coming any closer than about 15 feet away. Then some other guy came and tried to knock the bottle out of his hand and pushed him away, yelling at him to stop. Of course, Jackson was going berserk, screaming at the guy -- he might've got in a punch protecting his old dad before things broke up.

The police didn't come. The bouncers didn't do anything. And I'm getting too old to go to concerts. Gets me into trouble. Mother fucking asshole --

So, then we drove back and got home at 4:30 Monday morning.

I had a good time. Nice to let a little steam off once in a while.


Posted by Bill at April 15, 2008 11:17 PM

Hmmmm...I could have been reading something about my husband...

Posted by: daisy at April 16, 2008 08:46 AM


So, you were the start of the big battle braw in Broad Ripple... good to know!


Posted by: -d at April 16, 2008 01:39 PM

:-) Glad to see you are enjoying having Jax back in town so that you have a companion in your mischief making!!!!

Love to you all

Posted by: moonandsun03 at April 17, 2008 08:14 PM

Holy shit!! I probably would have kicked him where it counts; but that's kind of a girl thing I guess..? Then, my luck, I'd have been arrested and taken off kicking and screaming, to a padded cell--heh.

Posted by: tracy at April 18, 2008 05:04 AM

Everyone knows:

And they say you don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off an 'ole Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with BILL!

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at April 18, 2008 05:52 PM

So THIS is what happens at those darned rock and roll concerts? Oh my. Such language. Such violence. I knew that rock and roll noise was stirring up some trouble. Those lyrics are just inciting sex and violence and... and.. awful things. *hmph*

Posted by: Keri at April 21, 2008 09:04 AM