May 18, 2008

Cloning -- You Can Do It!

Scientists like to keep us in the dark. They have all those fancy formulas -- or "formulae," according to some scientists -- and try to confuse us with all kinds of scientific terms.

Scientists don't tell us about "light;" they talk about "photons," which is not just "light," but "corpuscles of light." And they don't talk about "germs;" they talk about "micrococcaceae." Yeah, right. It's a fucking germ. They are worse than fucking lawyers!

Then there are those specialized scientists who talk about "unhygienic algorithms" -- it has nothing to do with bathrooms, but about "dining philosophers." Yeah, right. Bite me!

Don't be fooled by all this who-shot-John stuff. Don't be perplexed by the obfuscatory rhetoric of scientists.

For instance, you think you need to know something to ... say, do some cloning? That's a bag o' crap they're trying to hand you, folks. It's actually quite simple.

You can buy a cloning kit for $144 in American money. "Fast, one hour, room temperature cloning reactions with >99% efficiency deliver the clone you need." That's a written guarantee in my book. And like I say, it's only 144 bucks for "the clone you need."

That's cheaper than buying a new pure-bred dog. Simply clone your dog for $144.

Or ... clone yourself. For that price, you can't go wrong.

Posted by Bill at May 18, 2008 10:38 PM

What I need is a good genetic upgrade kit, for aftermarket enhancements. I'd be willing to go $199.95.

Posted by: Kyle at May 19, 2008 01:27 AM

I would have expected a little more than 6µg for that price. Did you realise that the page contained
"regionally specific content"?

One of my Marine Biology students devised a method for counting pico micro planction. No one had seen them before the 1990s.

Posted by: Anji at May 21, 2008 06:12 AM