May 22, 2008

Same As It Ever Was

General Petraeus -- Bush must think that because the guy has a Roman-sounding name that he's special -- has claimed that Iran is supplying weapons to Iraq. There's proof, he says. That was months ago.

And the long-awaited "report" with the "proof" is not being released, yet.

Why not?

I think that "they" have to get their stories straight -- you know, be consistent about what they've seen and what's happening. It's like the four kids who are trying to blame the schmuck up the street for breaking the window with a snowball -- get the story straight.

The story -- you know, the lies.

Apparently, they can't get the lies straight. It's tough to do sometimes.

But, as always with the Bush people, say it enough times and the people will believe you. Wasn't Bush talking about Hitler and the Nazis last week. Must have been brushing up on his technique.

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. -- Hermann Goering.

And it's happening again, as it did with Iraq. And it will keep the minds of the people off of their sad lot here at home.

Posted by Bill at May 22, 2008 08:47 AM

You are so right! I can't believe that more people are worried about which David is going to win American Idol than what is going on.

Posted by: Vito at May 22, 2008 04:37 PM

That reminds me, I'm still waiting for my share of the yellow cake.

Posted by: Kyle at May 24, 2008 02:24 AM