June 15, 2008

It Might Cause a Little Bruising

After the collapse of the bridge in Minneapolis, the bridge that spans the Cuyahoga River in town was examined because it is the same or substantially similar to the Minneapolis bridge. Some repairs were made -- I think.

Now, a highly traveled entrance ramp, which is a bridge itself, to that bridge they repaired has been closed. The officials say they don't know when it will re-open. They found a rather large gap between one of the supporting structures and the bridge. No big deal -- something wasn't connected, it was broke. The bridge might fall down; so, they closed it until -- well, indefinitely or infinitely, whatever.

Here's my question to the road people, the fucking braniac engineers who examine these things and make fucking stupid decisions.

I mean, I'm no fucking rocket scientist, and I know this is a stupid question from some dumb fuck who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about; but if you closed the fucking bridge because you're afraid that the fucking bridge is going to collapse, shouldn't you close the road that goes under the same fucking bridge?

I think that, given the choice, I would rather be on top of the bridge that collapses 18 feet rather than under it when the fucking million-kilogram bridge falls 18 feet onto the top of a white Toyota Yaris with the peace symbol and The Who stickers on the back bumper.

Posted by Bill at June 15, 2008 09:10 AM

Here in my little town, they recently had a road closed for two months to run a water pipe under it. Maybe I don't know jack, but seems to me they could run a pipe under a road a lot quicker than that. Budget security: the longer things take, the bigger the budget they can justify.

Posted by: Kyle at June 15, 2008 03:01 PM