July 05, 2008


this is what we see from our windows every 4th of july. this is the view straight out to the western suburbs of cleveland. if you watch closely (VERY closely), you can see some of the fireworks.

the quality of these videos is pretty bad, i know; but i think you get the idea. it's obviously easier for us to see -- it's actually really cool to sit and watch! it's pretty quiet in the apartment in this video -- everybody but me and my buddy, betty, is on the roof watching. me? i don't do roofs. and betty hangs out with me because she's like that.

this is a much tougher shot of the fireworks display at the mouth of the cuyahoga river here in town. i'm not very good at this movie stuff, and the reflection of the apartment in the window glass almost overpowers the fireworks display. almost. oh yeah -- and you'll have to tilt your head sideways (to the left) to see it at the proper angle. sorry. just pretend you're here and that you can see better.

Posted by Stacey at July 5, 2008 12:55 AM

My view of the fireworks at the Santa Barbara harbor is pretty similar to the first one. It's about 10 miles, over the tops of trees, streetlights, etc. It's over the ocean too, because the coastline curves. But for a 2nd floor view, it rocks. I can see the fireworks OK with binoculars.
Belated Happy 4th, Bill!

Posted by: Kyle at July 6, 2008 09:01 PM

Always love the fireworks...
You've got a perfect place to view them

Posted by: tracy at July 8, 2008 12:45 AM

What a great way to see the celebrations - and - I love your accent!

Posted by: Anji at July 13, 2008 12:48 PM