July 09, 2008

Dump View

Way back before the turn of the century, a tenth grade kid stood up in front of about 200 other kids and asked the mayor of his fair city why the city would allow builders to build on landfills -- garbage dumps -- in the future, even if the dumps were covered over because the builders would be digging up old refrigerators and other stuff that could be dangerous to people using the land.

The mayor laughed and made fun of the nerdy 10th grader's question, telling the group that there wouldn't be refrigerators or dangerous stuff and that the question was quite silly and that a young adult is old enough to know better. Needless to say, that 10th grader was embarrassed, as 10th graders are prone to be, and was then ridiculed by the greasers in the crowd.

So, it's 38 years later. A shopping center was built on the land. They're having a tough time trying to contain dangerous stuff, and the Ohio EPA has filed a $270 million lawsuit.

So much for silly questions.

Posted by Bill at July 9, 2008 03:41 PM

Only silly answers ... right?

Posted by: tj at July 9, 2008 03:51 PM

can you see me under the pile of spam?

I wonder who could have asked a question like that...

Posted by: Anji at July 13, 2008 12:55 PM