August 02, 2008


Have you noticed that more and more males, apparently forgetting that they have them, hold their balls when they are standing around outside, talking, waiting for the bus, whatever. Maybe it's because they have nothing else to do with their hands.

I'm thinking that the phenomenon was started by the then-controversial Michael Jackson music video, the name of which I can't recall; but I'm sure that those in the habit of crotch-grabbing or balls-holding or dick-checking would not want to be compared to the ever-morphing King of Pop.

Posted by Bill at August 2, 2008 02:55 PM

Ironically-I THINK the Michael Jackson video that featured this lovely actions was "Beat it." I am SURE no pun intended.

Posted by: Heather Z at August 3, 2008 02:05 AM

I'd like to be the King of Pop, but to be so called for the resounding result of finally pulling my head out of my ass. I've been waiting for that Pop for far too long.

Posted by: Squelch at August 3, 2008 05:32 PM