August 15, 2008

E-mail to RealLegal, LLC

Here's my e-mail to a company with proprietary software used by court stenographers, who e-mail transcripts of hearings to lawyers, who, in turn, download software from the company to open the files and view the transcripts.

Gentlemen --

I am again reminded by those around me that this is actually the 21st Century; however, a visit to your website to see if you, by some chance, have updated your software so that it is compatible with Mac OSX leads me to believe that you are still operating in the last century. I donated my Apple IIe to a school a decade and a half ago; so, I don't have an archaic operating system to handle the download of your program for Mac users.

I bought a PC just so I could use your software. I didn't understand why I had to change the font size to download the program, though. I asked my son, who will be awarded a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Ohio State University after the fall term, about this -- he started laughing. You stumped him! Or maybe it was that he thought somebody didn't know what they were doing. And then I got him again when I told him about the Mac situation. Boy, did he have another good laugh.

It's frustrating when you offer a service -- a FREE download for attorneys -- that does not work smoothly. And it has been costly in not only time but in materials trying to figure out how to handle YOUR problem. And don't give me any song-and-dance about the .rtf format you provide because it would be a bit difficult to cross-examine someone when the judge says, "Counselor, what page? What line?" as they are wont to do in front of a jury, the members of which then think, "Who is this knucklehead lawyer?"

How about it? Spend a couple bucks.


I notice the company is headquartered in San Francisco. Maybe, I will drop in.

Posted by Bill at August 15, 2008 05:34 PM

Incompetence abounds; believe me, I can relate.

Posted by: Kyle at August 16, 2008 04:38 PM

This is like many letters that I write that I never find the balls to put a stamp on and send.

Posted by: FilteringCraig at August 18, 2008 09:10 AM

did you really send it? I hope so. I can't wait to hear what the response is.

Posted by: moonandsun at August 19, 2008 06:54 PM