September 09, 2008

God's Will

"[O]ur national leaders are sending [soldiers to Iraq] on a task that is from God, that’s what we have to make sure we are praying for, that there is a plan, and that plan is God’s plan." Sarah Palin, 2008

"I say to you that God, who implanted this in your breasts, has drawn it forth from you. Let this then be your war-cry in combats, because this word is given to you by God. When an armed attack is made upon the enemy, let this one cry be raised by all the soldiers of God: It is the will of God! It is the will of God!" -- Pope Urban, Speech at the Council of Clermont, 1095, which led to The First Crusade, from the chronicler, Robert the Monk, who was a participant at the Council.

I am frightened by Sarah Palin. I am frightened by John McCain because he selected her.

It's also interesting that now it's known that Palin's daughter is preggers out of wedlock and that abstinence only didn't work (or this is the second immaculate conception, in which case the daughter should be v-p candidate, being more qualified because she has an actual pipeline to God), it's nobody's business. In fact, it's been characterized as a good thing by many a Republican partisan.

For the last 20 years or so, right-winger nut jobs, like Sarah Palin, have been trying to pry their way into everyone's private lives and regulate what happens in the bedroom. They are against birth control education in schools. They are against condoms being distributed to anyone. They are against homosexuality. They are against secularism in government. They are against secularism in schools.

Now, they say, after all this jibber-jabber for the last generation, let's leave family stuff out of this campaign. Let's not talk about Sarah Palin's daughter being pregnant out-of-wedlock. It's a normal, everyday thing. It could happen to anyone.

When the teen pregnancy rate in urban America was skyrocketing, were these God-fearing individuals like Sarah Palin trying to help? Or were they condemning the inner city youth, the inner city fatherless families, and working to cut off government benefits for sex education in school as well as any aid to the out-of-wedlock children of unemployed teenage girls?

Yeah, that's right. It could happen to anyone who doesn't practice abstinence and doesn't use birth control and who hangs out with the hockey team on cold, winter nights.

Newsweek has an interesting story about morality and the abuse of power.

Take a look at this.

Posted by Bill at September 9, 2008 06:37 PM

Absolutely; and well stated Bill!

It is the Palins of the world who couldn't care less about young women who are pregnant; and for legitimate reasons, have struggled with the decision to have abortions. These people cry for women to have the babies, knowing they are unable to care for a child; yet they are not willing to help feed and clothe them...Uuum, except when the young woman is the daughter of one of the self-righteous bigots.

I really believe she is the kind of woman who would take pride in the burning of abortion clinics in the name of her god; and would not touch a crack baby.

Can't stand her.

Posted by: tracy at September 9, 2008 11:21 PM

After my political heart was dreadfully broken by John Edwards last fall (long before the small head leading the big head fallout fell) I have, for the past several months, considered myself totally apolitical. I stopped reading my Newsweek magazines and watching Jon Stewart, and swore I would never vote in another national election-- much to John's horror and dismay.

When anyone asks what I think about the election, my response has been that things are so absolutely terrible in Washington that the last thing we need is another Democratic President to be treated like Jimmy was only ten thousand times worse.

Now I'm wobbling a bit here. These two are so fucking scary I'm pretty sure I'm willing to sacrifice one of our own just to try give us a break from the evil for a little while.

It pains me to think about the shenanigans Obama will subjected to for his term, though. You think he's really thought this through or is he just egotistical enough for it not to be a consideration?

Posted by: Vicki at September 10, 2008 09:25 AM

Just had to share this with you and thought this would be as good a place as any.

Experts say that since Sarah Palin became the vice presidential nominee, there’s been a spike in the sale of her style eyeglasses. With Palin’s glasses you can see everything — except what the hell your teenage daughter’s up to.

Posted by: Vito at September 10, 2008 03:24 PM

Not that there's anything wrong with hanging out with the hockey team on a cold, winter night...

I like Sarah Palin, I do. She's a PTA mom (check), a hockey mom (check), started out in local politics (check), believes in choice (um, as long as you follow her choice), believes in the sanctity of life (um, except for those non-people on death rows), believes in ethics reform (unless she's the one breaking the rules), believes in.....

Wait. Um. No, I don't like Sarah Palin, after all.

This whole nonsense that we can't discuss her teenage daughter being pregnant when she believes in abstinence and trots herself out as mom extraordinaire? How......Orwellian-- or should I say, how Republican.

Posted by: lucy at September 11, 2008 03:02 PM

Vicki, John was my man, too. Last time and this time. Near 'bout broke my heart.

Posted by: lucy at September 11, 2008 03:03 PM