September 23, 2008

The Phone Book

Early Saturday morning, when I left the loft with the dogs, I couldn't help but notice that someone had lost a telephone book. It looked like it had been thrown down just to the right of the door, splayed open, covers torn. It was a fairly new phone book -- they had been delivered a couple weeks ago.

Telephone books are throw-backs to the day when there was only one phone company, land lines in every home, and no internet. Governments should assess some kind of tax on the companies that publish them for wasting resources. How many people throw them out? Landfills are probably filled with them.

The phone book has been there ever since.

I apologize. I caved in. I decided to pick it up and give it to one of the maintenance guys in the building.

But then I noticed something.

This was a sign. A warning!

The torn covers, front and back, both visible, were full-page ads for law firms. Someone doesn't like lawyers. Someone doesn't like me!

The person who did this obviously thinks I complained about the party Friday night or Saturday morning spilling out into the hallway way after midnight, prompting security to come up and kick some ass.

It's like the horse's head in The Godfather.


Posted by Bill at September 23, 2008 03:47 PM

I plagiarized a paragraph or two from your $700 Billion? to send directly to my Congressman. (I couldn't comment on that entry)

Posted by: Vicki at September 23, 2008 04:16 PM

If you need my people to break some legs, let me know.

And I wish more people were aware of the things our leaders try to pull, like the bailout thing.

Posted by: Vito at September 23, 2008 04:30 PM

Wanted to let Stacey know that I really took in and appreciated her post,"Are You Freaking Kidding Me". There was no way to post a comment there.
I had just commented on someone else's blog that I have been undecided about whether I would vote in this election; not for either of the reason's Stacey mentioned, but because I have wondered if my vote truely does count for anything. I have a new spark in feeling that it does. I have been democrat since I began voting at 18. I was for Hillary, but I wouldn't not vote for Obama because of a ludicrous reason such as disappoinment. I actually believe in all Obama is saying. I was so uneasy about him in the beginning, and I really didn't know enough about him at that point. I can't stand the McCain/Palin ticket; and I know my vote, or non-vote does count in one way or I have it.
Also, I loved Stacey's comment about money over people equaling mental illness. Absolutely.

Posted by: tracy at September 24, 2008 11:26 PM

As an afterthought regarding mental illness, and I do understand Stacey's comment about money over people; an excellent point and well taken....
In the mental health system, there are several factors that come into play which help to differentiate between the mentally ill, and those with personality disorders. I believe that people who choose money over people fall into the category of personality disordered individuals (Joe Bucary is a good example of one of those) as I've come to understand the distinguishing factors between the two. This was just on my heart to share with you guys.

Posted by: tracy at September 25, 2008 12:41 AM