September 29, 2008

China Syndrome

Do you realize that former Texas Senator Phil Gramm, the architect of the de-regulated banking/stock/investment/fuck-the-middle-class system we had before the weekend, who is laying very low these days (You notice that he has not consented to any interviews about this financial debacle), is being considered for the position of Secretary of the Treasury should McCain/Palin be elected?

Whoa, whoa, wait a minute -- Phil Gramm in charge of what's left of the $750,000,000,000 bail-out money?


Surreal, no?

And hey, what about that Supreme Court? McCain wants to continue the trend started by Bush. It will not be "More of the Same," it will be much worse.

Kiss good-bye some personal freedoms that you have enjoyed for several generations, and some since the Constitution was adopted. You think it won't happen? Get your head out of the sand.

But for some reason, that isn't important to a lot of people -- John McCain, friend of the common people, being the foremost.

Surreal? NO! Insanity.

And a lot of you want John McCain to be THE MAN. You have to be kidding me. THE MAN.

John McCain assured us the economy is "fundamentally sound." Three days later, he announced that the financial markets had turned into a "casino." Who the hell is advising him? Phil Gramm.

We all know, in Casino parlance: THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS. Mr. McCain, who is "the house?"

The house is CHINA, with whom this country has been running a tab. A tab to finance the war in Iraq.

And where are we going to get the $750,000,000,000? From Iraq, which McCain said would pay for the war
and the re-building there from oil sales? Or from the house, once again? FROM CHINA?

Geez, the oil companies, big supporters of McCain, have been making tens of billions of dollars a quarter over the past several years; maybe, they can float the USA a loan.

By the way, there has been a recall of the following products. I haven't seen them in my economically-devastated part of the country, but maybe you have seen them on the store shelves in your part of the world:
* Mr. Brown Mandheling Blend Instant Coffee (3-in-1)
* Mr. Brown Arabica Instant Coffee (3-in-1)
* Mr. Brown Blue Mountain Blend Instant Coffee (3-in-1)
* Mr. Brown Caramel Macchiato Instant Coffee (3-in-1)
* Mr. Brown French Vanilla Instant Coffee (3-in-1)
* Mr. Brown Mandheling Blend Instant Coffee (2-in-1)
* Mr. Brown Milk Tea (3-in-1)
and White Rabbit Creamy Candy.

The products were made with Chinese powdered milk containing melamine, which is used in floor tiles, kitchenware, fire retardant fabrics, and commercial filters, among other things. Melamine releases ammonia during the digestive process, which is probably what has sickened and killed babies people, and pets.

Cadbury's just announced this morning that it is withdrawing its chocolate products that were made in Beijing from the market, even though tests show no presence of melamine. Well, after some thought, the Cadbury people thought it would be better to be sure about the negative test results and not risk killing someone.

Nestle has a large chocolate-making operation in Beijing, but is, apparently, confident, at this time, that its food products are safe.

Posted by Bill at September 29, 2008 09:49 AM

Just more reasons not to vote for McCain! He couldn't even deliver his own party on the bailout bill. Maybe he should suspend his campaign permanently!

Posted by: Vito at September 29, 2008 05:16 PM