November 01, 2008

Manchurian Candidate

What if he was brainwashed? What if there's a signal, then he takes the country down?

After all, McCain spent 5 1/2 years in the custody of the Communists in Viet Nam. What do we really know about John McCain? And his years in the hands of torturers. And what they persuaded him to do.

What if he was brainwashed? What might he do? What might the Communists have done to him when Viet Nam was the enemy of all that was great and holy?

Is he a sleeper? Brainwashed. Silent. Waiting.

And what's with Cindy McCain -- who looks like an automaton. Controlled by others. The phone call will come. The Queen of Hearts will be revealed.

Remember. The truth is always far stranger.

Posted by Bill at November 1, 2008 11:47 AM

Read aloud to Keith this morning... His response...

"Wow. Who came up with that? Brilliant..."

Posted by: Keri at November 2, 2008 12:28 PM

I see the moron spamers hit you. As far as McCain being brainwashed, I don't think that happened when he was imprisoned. I THINK IT HAPPENED OVER THE PAST 8 YEARS!!!

Posted by: Vito at November 3, 2008 03:37 PM