April 14, 2009

The Cavaliers Situation

Here's the situation.

We were having dinner with an expert witness and his lovely wife at one of the high-end restaurants in town a couple weeks ago.

The normally-reserved Stacey pulls out her iPhone and unabashedly shows the waiter her LeBron James Bobblehead app, telling him, "Go ahead, shake it!"

And today, I told her that Ray Allen, Boston Celtics guard, was suspended for one game, losing $158,000 in pay, for elbowing our neighbor, Andy Varejao, in the *ahem* balls during the last game against the Cavaliers.

The normally-reserved Stacey said, "Is that it?!? The fucker ought to be arrested for felonious assault!"

Posted by Bill at April 14, 2009 06:07 PM

Stacey? Reserved? Really?

Posted by: KathyHowe at April 15, 2009 10:34 AM

What does she drink?

Posted by: Anji at April 15, 2009 12:59 PM

Well, whataya expect from a bobblehead? As Thomas Jefferson said, bobbleheads is as bobbleheads does. ... And some hoopleheads just like typing bobbleheads.

Posted by: Kyle at April 16, 2009 12:46 AM