July 02, 2009

Two Things

The Cleveland Orchestra performs its annual concert on Public Square tonight. The sky is clearing, after rain and fog all day, which bodes well for the spectators, which might number 100,000. The streets around the square are closed to traffic; and at 6, while walking the dogs, I noticed people were already gathering on the square with their lawn chairs.

I also saw that the police have apparently determined that the alien ships on the Mall were sent in peace.

And after believing I was human all these years, I found this metallic tag that apparently worked its way to the surface of my bald head. You see, all the years of peeling scalp from summer suntans has revealed that I was made in China. I was taking a shower this morning, thought that I hit my head somewhere somehow (these things happen -- anywhere anyhow anytime -- and bald-headed people don't even know it) and that I had a scab on top of my head, said "Fuck, how the hell did that happen?" And this thing comes off my head:

I learn something new every day. I guess I don't need the jacket in wintertime.

Posted by Bill at July 2, 2009 06:58 PM

Did you catch any of the concert? I've heard those guys are good. ... Seriously.

Posted by: Kyle at July 4, 2009 06:54 PM