August 04, 2009

What the Future Holds

There is a psychic down the street. She was hanging out outside the coffee shop with a couple children, probably, her grandchildren; and she said, "Don't run into the street!"

Neither one of them was near the street. Neither one was running around. They were very quiet, not annoying anybody.

But she's a psychic. She knew one of them was going to run into the street.

Wow! What a cool thing. She knows what's going to happen; so, she prevents them from being hurt ... or worse. How's that for a babysitter.

But then I got to thinking. She's changing the future. She's interfering. She's violating the Prime Directive.

How do we know that the kid wasn't supposed to run out into the street and discover some kind of wormhole in space which would have taken him to a place where the inhabitants gave him secrets to curing diseases and making people nice to each other?

She ruined it for everyone.

Posted by Bill at August 4, 2009 08:37 AM

I've always wondered if you can trip a psychic, send 'em flat on their face. I mean, how often do you hear about a psychic avoiding some personal calamity? Hmm.

Posted by: Kyle at August 5, 2009 11:25 PM