October 11, 2009

Alien Communications

Scout stopped to check out a new message from visiting aliens, who are obviously trying to re-establish communications with their Earthly canine descendants.
The markings on the sidewalks and streets simply appear. It is as is the alien beings who make the markings, lines, arrows, squiggles, and other marks, wait until no human can witness -- or erase the memories of those humans who have seen them.

On a more somber note, I stopped at a high-end cake-cookie shop in a trendy neighborhood. The person on the left side of the blog wanted a sugar cookie; so, I stopped to get a sugar cookie. And I expected to pay a lot relative to the price of a grocery store's in-store bakery sugar cookies because the sugar cookies at the high-end place are meticulously decorated.

The sign told me the cookies were $2.50 to $4. Now, I'm in the trendy neighborhood with high-priced cookies. It would be gauche to ask, "Which ones are $2.50?" especially with another customer waiting impatiently to pick up a huge custom cake for her daughter's 8th birthday party.

Really, "Can I get my cake?" she asked snootily. The way she looked at me, I thought I was looking down the black holes of a double-barreled shotgun that would eventually suck the life out of me. The owner told her it was ready.

"Don't shoot," I thought to myself and smiled. "Almost done here, m'am," I tried to say politely.

"You don't have to take that tone with me," she pointed out.

That tone. I didn't understand what kind of tone I was using, except that I did not accede to her desire. Sorry.

The cookies -- I got two -- were $5. I picked out the cheap ones, as it turned out. The big ghost-shaped cookies must have been $4. For that price, the cookies should have been the best tasting cookies ever. They were pumpkin-shaped and very nicely decorated jack-o-lanterns, but the cookies were not tasty, buttery sugar cookies. The grocery store pumpkin-shaped sugar cookies are much, much cheaper, would have served just as well, and would have gone down easier.

Posted by Bill at October 11, 2009 07:43 PM

Maybe she was one of the aliens!?!?

Posted by: KathyHowe at October 12, 2009 05:13 PM