January 05, 2010

Drunk Driving

This is not a post in which I preach about the dangers of drinking and driving. Or drinking and living.

There are charts and informational materials describing the effects of imbibing, and most of them say that at a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .30% (that's the reading on the breath testing machine in most places), most people will be unconscious or on the edge of unconsciousness. And a BAC of .40% leads a lot of people to wonder why the individual is alive.

The Rapid City Journal reported that Marguerite Engle was found unconscious behind the wheel of a truck parked on the side of Interstate 90. Ms. Engle's BAC was .708%.

I guess that is legally intoxicated in South Dakota.

The police stopped to check on the truck because it was reported stolen. More interesting is that police found her a second time in a ditch in a stolen car allegedly intoxicated less tha a month later.

In general, Minnesotans that were polled are quite pleased that the one-person crime wave moved to South Dakota.

Now, a lying, conniving, scumbagwell-paid lawyer could interpose the defenses that:

(1) she wasn't driving (vehemently arguing, "How could she drive? Obviously, she was way too intoxicated to even get into the vehicles. The guy she was with must have left her there passed out in the vehicles when he couldn't have his way with her."), and

(2) she didn't steal anything (vehemently arguing, "How could she steal anything? Obviously, the guy she was with must have stolen the vehicles while she was unconscious, dragged her into the vehicles, and then left her there passed out in the vehicles when he couldn't have his way with her.").

Don't laugh. It's been done.

But if she had been in Montana, where the definition of drunk driving as a .08% BAC is considered extreme federal government interference in local affairs, the police would have taken her home because she wasn't really driving.

Posted by Bill at January 5, 2010 08:14 PM


Posted by: KathyHowe at January 5, 2010 10:19 PM

Yes, but was she still alive - well preserved?

Posted by: Anji at January 6, 2010 02:06 AM


Happy New Year Bill

Posted by: tracy at January 6, 2010 02:46 AM

Wow, that's not drunk, that's embalmed. Can the court even get personal jurisdiction over a giant staggering pickle?

Posted by: kyle at January 6, 2010 03:09 AM